Course Enrolment

Our 10-week courses are held in Petone, Lower Hutt on a Wednesday evening. We aim to hold three per year – generally starting in February, June or September.

Our next course will be held on:

CommencesWednesday, 26 February 2025
VenueThumbs Up Hall
5 Elizabeth Street
Petone, Lower Hutt
10 weeks
View Map

How much does the course cost?
The cost of the course is $120 or $100 for Community Services Card holders. This helps to cover the cost of the course manual and hall hire. Once you have completed your 10-week course, you will continue to be a WSD member up until 31 December of that year and be able to participate in any of the events. You can choose to stay a WSD member and renew your membership subscription which is $35 per year
(1 January-31 December).

For more course information, please contact our Course Co-ordinator:
If the Course Co-ordinator is unobtainable, please contact:
Ross044995520 (to leave a message on our answerphone)

If you prefer to be contacted by email, you are more than welcome to fill in the Enquiry Form below.  If you definitely would like to attend our course, please fill in the online enrolment form.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Phone Number (required)

Subject (required)

Your Message

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Or Enrol Now

WSD Course Enrolment Form